Meet an Abbess
Abba is an ancient Aramaic word that means papa.
Over the centuries it was Latinized, and morphed into
both Abbot and Abbess.
An Abbess oversees an Abbey, a community of people
who dedicate themselves to loving God.
Since childhood my relationship with God has been an adventure with many discoveries amidst the mountains and valleys of life. During one of the rough patches of whitewater in my life, I was shocked and elated to discover that God was in the raft with me! Both calm pools and choppy water remain everyday experiences. And when hitting big waves, God reasserts his presence with the familiar reminder to “lean in.” In all the wild, mundane and ordinary moments, God remains beautifully by my side.
I have lived all over the United States and ministered in many countries, including trips to Africa speaking in prisons.
In my travels, I relish hearing people’s stories and discovering their unique strengths and perspectives. It’s where I find God!
I'm a fifth generation Coloradoan, whose great-great grandparents homesteaded near Westcliffe. My main hobby these days is watching old movies and I've been known to spontaneously belt out all the words to any 1960's musical. I've been writing since I was a young girl, and a few years ago, some of my works made it into the Renovaré Life with God Bible. I also can't seem to stop going to school (five seminaries and counting!), but my most important credential is my life journey. After my husband died, I wrote Welcome to Confusion: A Surprising Doorway to God, a collection of stories about the life of Jesus, revealing how Jesus intentionally provoked doubt and confusion to bring people to new spiritual insight.
I'm a constant wayfarer on the Jesus road, and I'm thrilled to hear from fellow wanderers!
We welcome paradox, mystery
and difference.
We are dedicated to pondering all questions and points of view.